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Basic Infection Control Manual (2nd edition)
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Ackerman P., Brachman M., et al.
Document type: 
English, Russian
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Publication date:
Primary area(s) of focus: 
Infection Control
Submited by:
Victor Stanilevskiy
Material written specifically for patients: 
Date of entry:
July 11, 2003
The Basic Infection Control Manual, 2nd Edition, is the result of a two-year collaborative process to review and update guidelines and clinical protocols that appeared in the first edition of this manual. In 1997, the AIHA Basic Infection Control Manual was published, providing a common source document that contained internationally recognized principles and practices for the prevention of hospital-acquired infections and recommendations for hospital epidemiologists and health care administrators responsible for managing infection control programs. The manual has been used extensively by ministries of health, medical education institutions, AIHA partnership programs, and Infection Control Training Centers (ICTC) in Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia. , 413 pp., 2nd edition
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